My Run for Multnomah County District 3

5.26.23 – and the final count is 2,331 !!

5.22.23: Thanks to everyone who supported my campaign – here’s how we did! 2,251 Votes – yeah! Click here to keep in touch.

For the latest media coverage, click here.

I am running for the vacant Multnomah County District #3 (SE Portland) commissioner position in the special election this May. With over 20 years of experience in the Portland community, I am a team player who hopes to work with other commissioners to achieve goals in areas such as air quality, houselessness, and community revival. I am passionate about making positive changes and look forward to backing the leadership of the new chair, Jessica Vega Pederson. Voters can learn more about my campaign by signing up for my newsletter.

For the latest updates in this campaign including TV, radio, and written reports – please visit the “Campaign News” page!

We are facing some truly enormous challenges right now including houselessness, addiction, behavioral health, gun violence, and a lack of coordination on all of these fronts. At the same time, I believe that there are many small, achievable things that we can easily accomplish. I have been frustrated at how long these types of changes can take to implement and I hope to be a catalyst for these changes. Here is more about why I am running.

In my About section, I’ll talk about my qualifications and some of the issues I have focused on in the past. Please consider endorsing me as many already have. I have chosen not to take donations for this race. Thank you, for learning about my campaign, and welcome aboard.

Albert Kaufman (he, him)(What’s this?)

  • Albert Kaufman - Multnomah County Commissioner District 3 Candidate
  • Elect Albert Kaufman Multnomah County District 3

More info about the upcoming election.

Here’s a great Land Acknowledgement from the Richmond Neighborhood Association: Partly it reads: “We acknowledge that the land where the Richmond Neighborhood is located rests on the traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, bands of the Chinook, and many other Tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River. Multnomah is a band of Chinooks that lived in this area. We also acknowledge the systemic policies of genocide, relocation, and assimilation that still impact many Indigenous/Native American families today.
For more of my podcasts and performances visit this page.

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